
Gatwick to London

Gatwick Airport is located 28 miles south of London.
It is easily reached by car, by train, by bus or by taxi, therefore below you will find most of the ways to get from Gatwick to London.

Gatwick to London by car

If you want to travel from Gatwick to London, is good to know that Gatwick Airport is directly linked to London by M23 at Junction 9 and to A23 by London-Brighton Road.n
If you use sat nav, postal codes are:
South Terminal RH6 0NP
North Terminal RH6 0PJ

By train

If you need to travel by Train to Gatwick Airport, the good news are that it is the best rail-connected airport in the United Kingdom, connecting passengers to 129 stops directly and over 700 within one change. The train station at Gatwick is located at the South Terminal and is served by four rail operators.

By coach and bus

If you want to travel from/to Gatwick by coach or bus, it’s good to know that Gatwick is connected to over 100 UK towns and cities by direct bus and coach services. Most of them are running 24 hours/day and 364 days/year.
A cheap option is easyBus, with prices starting at £2.

By bicycle

The National Cycle Route 21 (NCR 21) is running through South Terminal. The route starts from Greenwich in London. There are also designated areas for leaving your bike.

By taxi or minicab

If you decide to reach the airport by taxi or minicab, prices may start at as little as £25 per person from Central London, terms and conditions may apply. Many options are available online, at convenient rates.

As seen above, traveling from/to Gatwick is straightforward and there all the information needed on the web.

Any option you choose, remember to book in advance!