Interested in local taxi numbers?
There are many apps available for Android or IOS when you are in need of a cab and in search of local taxi numbers.
We always tend to leave our ground traveling plans for the last. We book the flight, the hotel, the restaurant, even the tours. Booking a minicab transfer comes to our mind the last, therefore we are rushing to search online some local taxi numbers.
The problem is that many times, the corner minicab company doesn’t have any car available ASAP. This can delay your journey.If you are lucky enough to find one, the services and the cleanliness of the vehicle might not be up to your standards. That can work for a short trip, but when traveling for a long distance or you need to relax, is better to book in advance with a reputable company.
London Transfer Minicabs has 4.9/5 stars on Google, out of 43 reviews. On Taxicode, we scored 4.9/5 stars from 315 opinions. Our aim is to make happy our clients, as well as our drivers.

LTM Reviews
When choosing us, you can always expect an impeccable vehicle in and out. Our well trained and fully vetted drivers are helpful and friendly. Happy to go the extra mile, we promise you will be served the best routes and the best prices. The only important thing you have to do is booking 6 hours in advance.
Your minicab transfer is important too, either you need to get to the airport early morning, to return from a late summer party or to arrive at a business lunch. Do not neglect it!
If you don’t necessarily want to use the often unreliable local taxi numbers, check with us our availability. You can contact us by phone, via WhatsApp, by email or use our online booking system.